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April 23, 2018
Female Influencers Spring 2018: Holly Peters, Carol Lesher, and Jossy Osborne
When a building that lends itself to creative work spaces (in this case, a Ford Motor dealership dating back to the 1920s) finds a trio of creative, artistic women, a rare synergy results. Holly Peters’ expansive gallery, featuring oriental rugs and handmade furniture, welcomes customers from Broad Street. Abstract landscape painter Carol Lesher occupies the Loft studio space above, and Jossy Osborne’s popular Kennett Brewing Company, with its industrial, speakeasy vibe, is tucked down below. “It doesn’t surprise me that we all individually found our niche here,” says Peters. “I really see it as the building ‘finding us.’” Patrons enjoy exploring these unique spaces, and the three women enjoy the camaraderie.
The common thread, Peters says, is “craft, artisanal design.” Another common thread is giving back. Osborne’s community work has been a key part of KBC, where her spirit of generosity is evident in the many fundraisers that she hosts. Last year alone, KBC hosted over 40 events designed to raise awareness and funding for charities in the local community. Peters, who believes in the strength of communities working together to raise the boats of all citizens, currently serves as fundraising chair for the after-school program After-The-Bell. Lesher finds that the best way to support arts and education organizations, as well as other causes about which she’s passionate, is through donations of her work.
Lesher, who has been a working artist for 18 years, has learned that the most important thing is to be true to yourself. “You can’t make everyone happy, and that’s OK. Being genuine and authentic is what separates me from everyone else. It’s not always easy to step out of your comfort zone, but I have realized that when I do I grow as an artist and get better at what I do.”
Peters sees great strength in the diverse tapestry of shops and restaurants in Kennett run by women who are unconventional thinkers, and she notes that collaboration is key. She hopes that the trend will evolve to include an even broader range of thinkers. “Our strength lies in the diversity of our residents,” she says. All three women agree that it’s important to create opportunities for those who need help getting started and to lift one another up. “Heartfelt encouragement goes a long way!” says Peters.